I am in New Plymouth for a conference and decided the night before to see what there is to eat in New Plymouth. So, I did a bit of a Google search and discovered a few exciting places to eat. I felt like pizza, so I decided to try Ms. White. The atmosphere at Ms. White is relaxed as you feel like you are in a garden with picnic tables to sit at and that it is all undercover. However, what I did like about it was that it was welcoming for a single diner, and you didn’t feel all eyes were on you as you were by yourself. There are many different beers that you can try on tap or via cans. It seems like a very popular place that caters for all different diners.

I decided to try Pizza #9: Pork & fennel sausage, leek, basil pesto and breadcrumb. The pizza dough is hand-stretched and cooked in a gas pizza oven. The pizza can be eaily eaten by one person. However, I did wish that the filling occupied more of the pizza versus having a thicker crust. I decided to pour some chilli oil on my pizza first and was surprised to see how hot/spicy it was. However, it added an excellent addition to the pizza. The pizza, as a whole, was really nice. I did like the crunch of the breadcrumbs, and everything worked well together. I also appreciated how thin the pizza dough was.

Overall, I can see why this place is very popular with the locals and tourists. It is easy dining, where everyone can enjoy themselves with a good selection of beers and different kinds of housemaid pizzas. I would definitely go back when I visit New Plymouth again.

Address: White Hart Courtyard 47 Queen Street, New Plymouth Central, New Plymouth 4310

Website: Ms White