I went out to Raohe Night Market. Even though it was a Tuesday night, it was still pretty busy. However, I could imagine this place getting even busier on other nights. It is straightforward to get to via the MTR, and for once, a place supplies rubbish bins where you can throw your rubbish away.

The first stop was the famous black pepper buns, which are cooked in a tandoori oven. Be careful with your first bite, and be patient, as these can be piping hot. However, the dough on the outside is nice and crisp and not too thick, making it much easier to eat. The inside, I think, is beef and is finally chopped into relatively small pieces. Also inside, it seems there are some Chinese chives or spring onions inside. It is also surprising how peppery the buns get after eating them for a while. It isn’t an instant heat, but something that hits you into your fourth or fifth bite.

The next stop was a place that made its own Cantonese pineapple buns. They preheat them in an oven, and you can have them plain or with I was other fillings inside, like a slice of butter. However, I decided to go with taro paste. The pineapple bun overall is not bad. I can’t say it’s the best pineapple button I have had, but as it was hot and had a nice smooth taro paste to it. It was overall not bad.

The next stop was this place that made a kind of wrap. I think that they use spring roll skins as their wrap. Inside the filling was egg, cabbage, spring onions and potentially some Chinese chives. Also, they add a sweet sauce to it, and you can have the option of having some fresh chilli. I was very impressed with the snack and wish I could have had another, as you can add hashbrowns, cheese, or other things inside. But the one I had was the more traditional one.

I found a stall that makes some freshly made prawn cheung fun. I wasn’t that impressed! They were okay, good amount of chilli like their sweet soya sauce that they poured on top, but the skins for me were a bit too thin and needed a bit more in the batter.

Overall, a good food market. Plenty of options to eat. I did want to try some of the sweet potato and taro balls but got to full. I only went to the places that had long lines to them as it seemed they were popular. Which I think is a good rule of thumb to keep to if you only want to eat the good food.